Sunday, November 2, 2014

Literacy for Life 2014

I was honored to have been a presenter at yesterday's Literacy for Life conference at Monmouth Community College, in West Windsor, NJ.  It was quite a ride in quasi-hurricane conditions, at the crack of dawn, but worth every ounce of inconvenience presented by the long ride and uncooperative atmospherics.   The venue was just right for our event - enough room, but not so spread out that it was difficult to navigate.  The catering was great and participants were treated to great beverages, fruit and snacks throughout the day.  No one left hungry.

My workshop was during the first time slot, concurrent with several other workshops. iTeach ESL was well attended and I had a lively group that was engaged. They had enough questions to signal me that they were really listening and I retained their attention until the end of my talk.   Since it was a tech talk, the "notes" handout I offered attendees, was just a cover sheet with a QR code to a page on this blog where I have provided URLs and some other pertinent notes.  

After my 9:15 AM workshop, I attended the Naturalization Information Session.given by a Community Relations Officer from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services, a branch of U.S. Department of Homeland Security.  She was a delightful presenter and extremely informative.  She gave us an overview of the process those seeking citizenship encounter.  We were recipients of plenty of resources for our students or our own edification. None of the English learners I tutor are yet citizens.

Lunch was after the second session.  The caterer did a great job with mixed baby green  salad, fresh fruit, Italian bread and butter, stuffed shells, chicken marsala, spinach, and risotto.  Dessert didn't disappoint. There was pumpkin cheesecake, I think a chocolate cheesecake, a traditional chocolate cake, fresh fruit, cream puffs, chocolate chip cookies and coffees and teas.  Yum.

The after-lunch General Session was informative and inspiring.  Dr. Erik Jacobson was the guest speaker and gave a presentation,  Problem Solving in Technology Rich Environments.  I first me Dr. Jacobson in August, when we attended a meeting at Literacy NJ.  He's a brilliant and passionate advocate for Adult Education, as well as an Associate Professor in the Early Childhood,  Elemetary and Literacy Education Department at Montclair State University.  

After Dr. Jacobson, this year's awards were presented:
  • The 2014 Award for Volunteer Excellence went to Josh Lucchesi, Literacy Volunteers Association Capre-Atlantic
  • The 2014 Award for Tutor Excellence went to Daniel Keohlhoffer, Literacy Volunteers of Monmouth County
  • The Alice M. Leppert Award for Outstanding Affiliate Achievement went to Literacy Volunteers of Somerset County
  • The 2014 Award for Student Excellence went to the delightful  Carine Deye, Literacy NJ Union County Programs 
Following a short break, my third session workshop was Dr. Jacobson's Promises of Adult Education and Realities of the Workforce. He's a dynamic educator. I hope his university students appreciate his expertise and devotion to education. It was a great workshop.

I left the conference much richer in knowledge.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Reader's Choice Fourth Edition

If you're reading this blog and you are an ESL tutor, Reader's Choice, by Sandra Silberstein, Barbara K. Dobson and Mark A. Clarke, published by The University of Michigan Press, may not be a new book to you, but this is the first week I have perused it.  The fourth edition has a publication date of 2005, so it's not a new book - just new to me. The copy I borrowed from my local municipal library, is in excellent condition. I don't know if the condition is owing to it being a new book to our library, or if it has been infrequently used.  I hope it's not the latter. 

My ESL Learners vary in level.  I could see this book being helpful for all of them in the future.  Clearly, it is aimed at elevating the reading skills of already advanced English Learners.  Its scope is wide, in that the variety of material and lessons presented requires the Learner to grow their vocabulary,  read and understand fiction as well as science, do work on the internet and decipher mixed graphic and text information.   It contains frequently used idioms, that native English speakers may not even think are idioms because they are so common and ordinary. The comprehension exercises are excellent and the nonprose reading is an essential skill in the day to day lives of most Learners.  There are plenty of critical reading passages and discussion prompts. The tome weighs in at over 400 pages.  This is a book that can be used in a class setting as well as  one-on-one tutoring sessions.  

If you have not used nor seen the Fourth Edition of Reader's Choice,  and you have advanced ESL Learners, this may be a resource that becomes indispensable to you. If your library has the newest iteration, Fifth Edition of Readers's Choice, you should take a look.  I'm going to see if any of the libraries in my area have it in their collections. 

Thank you, University of Michigan Press for such  comprehensive books!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Perfect Phrases for ESL Conversation Skills - book review

I teach 2 of my 3 English Learners at my local public library and I make as much use of their ESL collection, and that of the affiliated libraries as I can. Occasionally, a book I come across is so useful, I add it to my personal library because I don't want to risk needing it and having it out of the library with another tutor or learner.

Perfect Phrases for ESL Conversation Skills is one of those books. I have borrowed several books of idioms, that have been helpful, to a degree. The whole area of idioms and phrases is imperative to English Learners, because Americans speak in idioms incessantly.  One of my learners has an excellent vocabulary and can write well, but he can be confused when listening to Americans speak, because we don't speak in the formal way he was taught English in his native country.

This book, Perfect Phrases for ESL Conversation Skills by Diane Engelhardt, is not brand new, but I hadn't seen it in my library before.  It was published last year.  She has brilliantly blended idioms and commonly used phrases and classified them in such chapters as:

  • Small Talk
  • Past Experiences
  • Likes, Dislikes and Interests
  • Objects and Processes
  • Problems and Advice
  • Decisions and Goals
The above topics comprise Part 1 of the book.  Part 2 consists of:
  • Opinions
  • Group Discussions
  • Serious Subjects
And Part 3 is entitled
  • Afterthoughts
The best aspect of this book is its contemporaneousness.  Several other idiomatic resources I have consulted are a bit outdated.  Language is not static, it evolves and we need to keep our students understanding how American English speakers actually talk. Perfect Phrases for ESL Conversation Skills by Diane Engelhardt has captured current speech in the kinds of phrases we use and has classified them in a user friendly way.  

As I indicated above, this book is going to become part of my personal library.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I Am Observing

(It's been quite a while since I last blogged.  I have had and am still having a less than optimum recovery from a fractured wrist, but I'm doing my best to resume my usual activities.  Thanks for your forbearance over the long pause.)

I am observing, with all of my adult English learners, that -ing verbs are commonly used, but often without their auxiliaries.  Frequently, a student says, "I going to the store."  Of course I know what they are saying, I'm just a little unsure of when their trip will or did take place. I know that for the most basic skill level, that statement communicates enough.  However, all of my learners, already had varying levels of skill in English and desire to speak more properly.

I have been creating some tense sheets to help them.  There are several ways to say something in the present, but sometimes the present tense is more like a description of what one does routinely or for a living, and not what one is doing at that instant.  For example:

I play golf.    Well, that can be the answer to, What do you do to relax?  or What do you do for a living?

I am (or I'm) playing golf.  That can be the answer to, Hi, Dad!  Just wanted to call to see what's going on,  or What are you doing next Saturday morning?

The same goes for the other auxiliaries like is, are, was, were.

I have found it helpful to compare:

I play golf
I am playing golf


I played golf
I was playing golf

and so on.

Once the understanding of the progressive nature of the auxiliary word and the -ing verb are understood with simple repetition and description of the progressive aspect of the word combination, my students improved in their comprehension (because we frequently speak in this progressive action manner) and in their conversational usage.

If you or your English Learners are stumbling with this, and want to improve their accuracy, perhaps using these kinds of examples will be helpful.